OUR WORK: Chef Ann Cooper: Speaker
Some of the most important facets of changing school food are marketing, educating, community building and motivating your constituencies. Chef Ann Cooper's talks excel at all of these. Chef Ann's keynote speeches, seminars, videos, podcasts, TED Talks, radio, TV and print interviews all highlight the motivational, educational and inspirational effect that the spirit of her message has on all her audiences. Including Chef Cooper's talks or seminars in your conference, meeting or other venue will assure not only a high level of participation, but a high level of audience satisfaction.
A Sampling of the groups that Chef Ann has addressed include:
- American Culinary Federation Conference
- Ball State University
- Bioneers Conference
- CASE Conference
- Center for Ecoliteracy
- Chefs Collaborative Conference
- Chef Panisse Foundation
- Children's Environmental Health Institute
- Community Food Security Conference
- Culinary Institute of America: Conferences and Commencement
- Ecotrust
- Farm to School Conference
- Green Schools Conference
- Heifer International
- International Association of Culinary Professionals Conference
- Joe Baum Forum
- Johnson & Wales University
- Kellogg Foundation Conference
- Monterey Bay Aquarium's Cooking for Solutions
- National Restaurant Association
- New England Culinary Institute, Conferences and Commencement
- School Food Nutrition Association Conference
- Stanford University
- Suny Cobleskill, Commencement
- TED X Boulder
- Title 1 Conference
- University of California
- University of Colorado
- Women Chefs and Restaurateurs Conference
- Yale University